Festeriet is the A Chapter’s Qlub Mastery, and they are hosting pubs in our chapter hall, Byggeriet (aka Bygget) located on Teknikringen 20A. Festeriet is run by the Qlub Masters, this year we have two.
Festeriet exists to create a fun student life and to connect the A Chapter with the rest of campus. Bygget is the place to be for you who would like to meet people from other chapters, attend theme pubs, enjoy fun drinks or maybe collect one or two patches for your ovverAll.
To be a part of the pub group you don’t need any skills regarding bartending, only a mutual interest in meeting new people and having a really good time whilst doing that. Everybody are welcome and everyone is equally important to making Festeriet better and more fun!
Would you like to get in touch with Festeriet? Please email them at festeriet@arkitektursektionen.se or send them a message on their Instagram!
This year’s Qlub Masters are Amanda Curby, Lukas Söderman and Alma Ornbrant (pictured below).