Latest news

  • SM1
    It is nearly time for the first chapter meeting (SM) of the new operating year! The meeting will be held on Thursday November 7 from 17.30, in A124 (one of the lecture halls on the ground floor of the A school). The meeting will be focused on choosing the standard bearer, election committee, and filling … Continue ReadingSM1
  • SM4 Meeting documents
    Here you can find relevant meeting documents for the next chapter meeting. Unfortunately these are only available in Swedish for now. Activity reports Activity report, chapter central, 22-23Activity report Festeriet 22-23Activity report A-Bar 22-23 Financial report + supplementary documents Financial report, chapter central, 22-23 tabellerSupplementary documents for budget results, chapter central 22-23Supplementary documents budget results, … Continue ReadingSM4 Meeting documents
  • SM4
    It’s time for the first chapter meeting of the school year! The meeting will be held on September 18 around 5:30 p.m., in room A123. SM4 is the biggest chapter meeting of the year, as the term of office for most positions within the chapter now ends, and these positions will be re-elected – this … Continue ReadingSM4
  • SM3
    The spring semester is drawing to a close and it’s almost time for another chapter meeting! The meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 15th at 5.30 pm in room A124. An important point during this chapter meeting will be to elect a new chairman and two new members of the election committee! To apply … Continue ReadingSM3